October Stats- Central Ohio Housing Market Sales Increased by 26%!

I love to report such positive news about Central and Columbus Ohio housing market. This 26% increase of home sales is compared to last year home sales and the number of homes “in contract” compared to last year is up by 17 %. Why are we seeing an increase in home sales, the general thought is, the first time home buyer federal tax credit, low interest rates, our local housing market is priced well, the inventory of homes is high, along with this these homes show well. So if you are thinking about buying or selling it’s a great time to do so. Please read this link from the Columbus Board of Realtor for more details.




  1. m.s.Woods said

    Hi Susan, I found your site in a search for market conditions. I’ve heard an increase in purchases from foreign buyers has in part fueled the market at a national level, and was just wondering whether you’ve found this to be a factor in your local area. I’m curious whether the increase in home sales you last reported has continued into 2014. –Mike Woods

    • Susan Buhr, Broker and Owner said

      HI Mike, IT has continued to improve but slow. Thank you for comment..

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